Monthly Coach Highlight – Jodie Deegan, Business Coach
- By Elsa Chase, Digital Marketing Specialist
This month, we’re excited to feature Business Coach Jodie Deegan, who has been with Nexstar Network for nearly 11 years! We sat down with him to learn more about his background and his journey into the trades, and hear about some of the lessons he’s learned along the way.
Q: Where and when did you get your start in the trades?
A: I started working for a “1 truck guy” in the San Fernando Valley after I got out of the Navy in 1989. We did appliances, floor furnaces, and window shakers – you name it. Fix, fix, fix!
Q: What brought you to Nexstar?
A: I interviewed with a Nexstar member to run a shop he was considering purchasing in Los Angeles. I was impressed with the owner but was burned out on the LA commute. This owner recommended me to the President of Nexstar and here I am, 10 years later!

Q: Is there someone who inspired your journey into the trades?
A: My brother-in-law is an independent contractor. He said to me, “You should get into heating and air. You’ll make bank!”
Q: What are some of your career milestones that have been important in guiding you to your role as a coach?
A: I have been blessed to have been exposed to a lot of great mentors and different roles in the trades. I often took on responsibilities where I was way out over my head. When these opportunities presented themselves, I seized them and learned a lot in the process.

Jodie and his wife.
Q: What does your typical day look like as a coach?
A: When I’m home, I’m up at 4:45 AM on my motorcycle, and then off to the gym 5 days a week. I’m back home by 7:30, where I do my meditation, 5-5-20, and first call at 8 AM. My day is full of member calls on Zoom, and I love that each call is unique.
Q: What’s the best part of your job and why?
A: I always tell my wife that I feel like God has rewarded me with this opportunity to help others. After all the years of running companies, long commutes, and stress, this is my dream job!
Q: If you’re willing, please share one of your greatest superpowers with us.
A: Our greatest strength also presents our greatest opportunities. I would have to say that mine is patience. When members I’m coaching are overanalyzing a new or different process, I try to meet them where they are so they can see the path forward.
Q: What do you do to relax when you’re not at work?
A: All those years when we were raising our sons and I was running my companies, my wife did all the cooking. Now that we’re empty nesters, I enjoy cooking and meal planning.

Q: What are some of your passions?
A: My wife and I both ride motorcycles. We enjoy both local riding and epic cross-country treks!
Q: Anything else you’d like to share?
A: I’d just like to thank our members for choosing Nexstar and making this organization what it is. When we go to Super Meeting or attend a Nexstar training, getting to spend time with our members is what makes me happy.
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